Auto Air Conditioning Repair 101

When your car or truck A/C is not blowing "cold air", the first thought is to panic. $$$$ signs are going through your mind. Your A/C is broken and the repair is going to be expensive. This article takes the mystery out of automotive air conditioning and serves as a primer so that you can make common repairs yourself and save MONEY on professional repairs.

Air Power Tool

A/C Principles

Air Power Tool

There are books and publications that contain volumes of information on the subject of air conditioning repair. This information is often too technical for the you to learn how-to fix your auto air conditioning system.

In the nutshell, here is all that you need to know about the fundamentals of refrigeration so that you can fix your auto air conditioning system yourself.

Air conditioning is the process in which air inside the passenger compartment is cooled, dried, and circulated. Heat is removed from inside the vehicle and transferred to the outside air.

All air conditioners whether, it is an auto A/C, household refrigerator or home HVAC, work on the same principles. Namely, a liquid refrigerant is changed to a gas and then back to a liquid. If a change-of-state of the refrigerant is to take place, heat transfer must take place. The two (2) rules that apply to refrigerant are:

1. Refrigerant in a gaseous state collects, absorbs, and holds heat.
2. Refrigerant in a liquid state releases that heat.

A/C Operation and Components

For your auto A/C to blow "cold air", R-134A refrigerant must pass through and change state in three (3) components, one (1) receiver-dryer, and one (1) expansion valve that makes up the closed auto air conditioning system. The components of the system are:

1. Compressor - A device that pressurizes the heated refrigerant..

2. Condenser - A radiator for refrigerant that transfers the heat that was absorbed in the passenger compartment to the cooler air.

3. Evaporator - Is a small radiator located under dash in the passenger compartment. Liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator creates a pressure loss. The liquid refrigerant absorbs heat from the air blowing across the evaporator. It then boils and changes state to vapor before it enters the suction port of the compressor.

4. Receiver-Dryer - Is a canister that stores the liquid refrigerant when the compressor is not running. It contains a desiccant that removes moisture from the system.

5. Expansion Valve - Is a metering device that controls the amount of refrigerant to the evaporator.

A/C Quick Check

A check that can easily be made to check the health of the A/C system is the "feel check". With engine running, turn the auto A/C control to "ON" and the blower on "high". Take a test drive to warm the engine until the A/C system pressures stabilize. Raise the hood. With the A/C "On", locate the large tubing connected and routed from the compressor (low side) to the expansion valve (inlet side) of the evaporator. Next, locate the small tubing that is connected to the discharge-side of the compressor and routed to the outlet side of the evaporator. When you feel these two (2) lines, you should observe these results:

1. The low-side line should feel "cool" to the touch.
2. The high-side line should feel "warm" to the touch.

If the high-side tubing is not warm and the low-side is not cool, further tests will have to be made as the system is not doing any work. There is an internal problem; such as, a defective component or a leak in your A/C system.

Testing A/C System

Before system temperature tests can be made, a checklist should be followed (below) to setup for testing the A/C system:

1. Set the A/C "ON-OFF" switch to "ON".
2. Set the temperature control to "maximum cooling".
3. Set the blower on "high" or the highest number on the control switch.
4. Temperature inside passenger compartment should be stable and getting cooler.
5. Engine speed must be a minimum of 1500 rpm's.
6. All windows should be be in the "UP" position.

Check Temperature

Your compact car or truck has a small capacity A/C system and a loss of "cooling" would be more noticeable than a larger capacity auto A/C system. If a noticeable loss of "cooling" capacity is noticed, a temperature check at the vent registers should be made. This check can be made with an instant read or digital temperature thermometer.. The discharge air from the vents in the passenger compartment should range from 38 to 42 degrees F.

A/C System Diagnosis

Assuming that the discharge air test measured at the vent registers is out-of-range, a system pressure test will have to be made. Professional A/C technicians connect a tool known as the manifold gauge set to the "low" and "high" side service valves of the system. For you to diagnose and look inside the A/C, it will be necessary to become proficient in the use of the manifold gauge set.

A manifold gauge set that is suitable for the needs can be purchased at most auto supply stores and Internet A/C tool and supply store fronts for less than .00. TIP: Look for a gauge set that has a built-in sight glass.

Locate the "low" and "high" side service valves.. Connect the hoses (they are a snap connector fit) to the service valves in the following manner:.

1. Connect the blue hose of the gauge set to the "low-side" service valve of the compressor.
2. Connect the red hose of the gauge set to the "high-side service valve of the compressor.
3. The yellow hose of the gauge set is connected to a vacuum pump or a refrigerant can to add refrigerant to the system. The yellow hose is not connected to the system at this time.

Static Test

If you find an out-of-range temperature reading, the manifold gauge set should be installed on the "low" and "high-side" service valves. With the engine "OFF" and the compressor and clutch not engaged, the blue "low-side" and red "high-side" gauges should show equal readings of approximately 80 to 120psi. These readings would indicate that there is a refrigerant charge in your A/C system. If the readings were 50psi on each gauge, this would indicate that there is refrigerant in the system but a LOW CHARGE. If the readings were 10 to 20psi on each gauge would indicate that there is little or no refrigerant in your A/C system.

Engine Running Test

Start the engine,.turn the A/C switch"ON" with the blower on "high" and run for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes. Observe the reading on the manifold gauge set. TIP: A manifold gauge set with a built-in sight glass (mentioned above) will save you diagnostic time as most A/C systems do not have a sight glass built-in the receiver-dryer on the high side of the system.

With this feature, you look for bubbling refrigerant oil and refrigerant in the sight glass on the manifold. Oil moving through the glass would indicate that the compressor and clutch are engaged. Refrigerant is being moved from the low-side throughout the A/C system in the refrigeration cycle.

Low Charge

With the engine running, A/C switch "ON", and the manifold gauge set installed, a "low-side" pressure reading of 20psi over 150psi would indicate that your A/C system has a LOW CHARGE. The low reading of 150psi on the "high-side" gauge would be the tell tale that the system is doing very little work. A LOW CHARGE usually is an indicator that there is a refrigerant leak from a component on the "low" or "high-side" of the A/C system. A refrigerant leak in the system would have to be repaired for the A/C system to blow "cold air". TIP: REFRIGERANT DOES NOT WEAR OUT, IT LEAKS OUT. Some symptoms to look for a LOW CHARGE condition are:

1. Compressor clutch short cycling.
2. Clutch will not engage.
3. Little or no cooling.
4. Oily residue on hoses and components.

Leak Checking

For your A/C system to blow "cold air", refrigerant leaks will have to be found and repaired. Usually, leaks in an A/C system are minor and can be fixed with a screwdriver or hand tools. Most A/C systems use schrader valves for easy connection of the manifold gauge set. That said, these are no more than overgrown bicycle valves that use a valve core. When you are checking a system, the valves are the first place check for a leak. Other targets; such as, oil residue on hoses connected to the compressor is the second place that should be checked. TIP: When tightening the bolts to the suction and discharge ports of the compressor with hand tools, do not over tighten. Rubber 0-rings are placed on the suction and discharge ports of the compressor for sealing. The seals will create a leak when over tightened. Only tighten snug.

When your A/C system has a LOW CHARGE, a refrigerant charge will have to added to check for the leak. Refrigerant that contains a dye for leak checking a system is used for this purpose. The manifold gauge set, refrigerant, and a can tap valve will be needed to add refrigerant to check for a leak in the system.

Connect the manifold gauge set as discussed above. Connect the yellow hose to the can tap valve and front seat (turn clockwise) the valve. Close the blue gauge on the manifold gauge set. Open the valve on the can tap valve. Slowly open the valve on the blue or "low-side" gauge and let the refrigerant flow from the refrigerant can into the system until you see a reading of 60psi on the "low-side" gauge. TIP: Placing the refrigerant can in a pan of hot water will allow the vapor refrigerant to enter the A/C system quicker. WARNING: Do not invert the refrigerant can. Doing so will allow liquid refrigerant to enter the system resulting in a ruined compressor.

Professional A/C technicians use an electronic leak detector to find leaks in an system. Use a battery-powered UV leak detector kit and special UV glasses. This kit can be purchased at auto supply stores and Internet A/C supply store fronts.

The UV glasses should be worn when checking for leaks. Simply place the tip of the detector on a fitting or connection to each component to be checked in the A/C system. When a leak is found, a light greenish color will be seen through the UV glasses.

Air Flow

An often overlooked cause of your A/C system not blowing "cold air" is debris that clogs the condenser. Bugs, plastic bags, and leaves from city and highway driving will prevent air from passing through the fins of the condenser. The condenser should be cleaned with a cleaning solvent. Bent fins on the condenser should be straightened with a fin comb.


A restriction is a condition that is a blockage. Usually, it is traced to the outlet side of the condenser. Some form of debris has formed causing a restriction of refrigerant flow through the condenser tubes.. The passages in the tubes of most condensers that are used in compact cars and trucks are very small. An effective way to diagnose a restriction in your A/C system is the manifold gauge set. The "high-side" (red) gauge would move into the DANGER zone, over 300psi.

System Repairs

When a system has been opened, and a component removed, moisture has entered the system. For your A/C to blow "cold air", that moisture will have to be removed with the aid of a vacuum pump.

At this stage of the repair, you have two (2) choices to finish the repair of your A/C system. The first choice is take the car or truck to an A/C professional. At their shop, they will evacuate the system, check your work, and recharge the A/C system for a fee.

The second choice is to repair your A/C system yourself. You will need to borrow or buy a vacuum pump to finish the repair. A small 2-stage vacuum pump that is designed for automobile refrigeration systems is available for less than 0.00.

After replacing a component, moisture has entered the system during the repair. For the A/C system to blow "cold air" the moisture will have to be removed. Install the manifold gauge set to your car or truck service valves as described above. After repairs, your A/C system is evacuated and recharged by applying the below steps:

1. Blue hose to the "low-side" service valve.

2. Red hose to the "high-side service valve.

3. Yellow hose to the suction port of the vacuum pump.

4. Close the hand valve to the vacuum pump.

5. Back seat (open) the hand valves on the blue and red gauges of the manifold gauge set.

6. Connect the electrical power to the vacuum pump.

7. Open the hand valve on the vacuum pump.

8. Run the vacuum pump for three (3) minutes.

9. The needle on the "low-side" gauge (blue) show should be in a vacuum at 28.3hg.

10. A system with no leaks will pull a vacuum of 28.3hg in three (3) minutes.

11. If the needle of the blue gauge did not fall to 28.3hg, the evacuation will have to be aborted as there is a leak in your car or truck A/C system.

12. The leak will have to be found in the A/C system using the UV detector and UV glasses.

13. Once the leak has been found and repaired, continue the evacuation steps as described above for 25 minutes.

14. Front seat (close) the hand valves on the blue and red gauges and observe the needle on the blue gauge.

15. The needle should hold steady at 29hg, indicating a tight system with no leaks.

16. Any needle movement toward "0" on the blue "low-side" gauge would indicate a leak in the system and the evacuation would have to be aborted and conduct a search for the leak.

16.Look in the owners manual or service manual for the factory recommended refrigerant charge. It is usually from 16 to 28 ounces.

17.Attach the can tap valve to a can of refrigerant Make sure that the tap valve hand valve is front seated (closed).

18. Turn the A/C control switch to the "ON" position and blower switch to "high".

19. Start the engine and run at 1500rpm's.

20. Place the refrigerant can in a pan of hot water. Warning: Do not invert the can for this process as liquid would enter the system and ruin the reed valves of the compressor.

21. Continue this process until the factory charge (approximately 2 1/2 cans) has entered the system.

22. Shutoff your car or truck engine and let the A/C system stabilize. When the readings on the red and blue gauges are equal, remove the blue "low-side" hose from the service valve.

23. Restart the engine and remove the red "high-side" hose from the service valve.

24. Close the hood and take your car or truck for a three (3) mile test drive.

25. Place an instant read or digital thermometer in the vent register in the passenger compartment.

26. The temperature should range from 38 to 42 degrees F on a 90-degree day.

Tools and Materials

1. Manifold gauge set
2. Vacuum pump
3. Hand tools
4. Battery powered UV leak detector
5. Can tap valve
6. 134A refrigerant dye
7. 134A refrigerant
8. Instant read temperature thermometer
9. Digital temperature thermometer

Auto Air Conditioning Repair 101
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

Oct 31, 2011 18:38:40

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet
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Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet <<

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Feature

  • 54 ft-lb maximum torque
  • 360 degree adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator and the work
  • Variable speed lever-style throttle

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Overview

  • 50 ft.-lbs. of maximum torque
  • Variable speed lever-style throttle
  • 360 adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator and the work

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Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

Limited Offer Today!! Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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A Review of Air Compressor Manufacturers

It is no surprise that with the increase in demand for high quality air compressors, several manufacturers are continuing to perfect the quality and standards for these devices.

Air Power Tool

You can find at least a dozen very well-known and respected air compressor manufacturers. Most of these companies adhere to the strict quality and safety standards as set forth by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This governing body is responsible for regulating air compressors and all of their certified products will be labeled accordingly.

Air Power Tool

One of the most popular air compressor manufacturers in the United States is Sullivan-Palatek, located in Indiana. This company prides itself on creating some of the most advanced engine-driven air compressors on the market, both in terms of quality and safety. These air compressors are among the most energy-efficient available. They also offer used air compressors and air compressor rentals.

Atlas Copco Compressors Inc. is also a very well respected authority in air compressor manufacturing. Located in Massachusetts, Atlas Copco has been in business for several decades. They specialize in both portable and stationary air compressors. Their popular stationary models include lubricated, oil-free, PET, centrifugal air & gas and turbo expanders.

These three companies are just a few examples of the fine air compressor manufacturers located in the United States. With decades of experience, most of the companies that manufacture air compressors are continually striving to make them better. They are in a continual process of advancing features to make air compressors affordable, long lasting, safe, and energy-efficient. When choosing an air compressor manufacturer, you should probably choose one that has been tested and certified by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Many states only allow the sale of devices certified by the organization. This group has set rigorous quality and safety standards that should be applied to most air compressor models.

A Review of Air Compressor Manufacturers
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

Oct 30, 2011 19:07:14

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet
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Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet <<

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Feature

  • 54 ft-lb maximum torque
  • 360 degree adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator and the work
  • Variable speed lever-style throttle

Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Overview

  • 50 ft.-lbs. of maximum torque
  • Variable speed lever-style throttle
  • 360 adjustable exhaust directs air away from the operator and the work

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Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet

Limited Offer Today!! Ingersoll Rand 107XPA 3/8-inch Air Ratchet Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Variable Temperature Heat Gun Vitamin And Mineral Dewalt Power Drill

Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit

Special Price!!! Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit

Oct 28, 2011 15:40:51

Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit
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Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit <<

Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit Feature

  • Draws abrasives from bucket or bag
  • Designed to remove rust scale and paint as well as etch glass and weather wood
  • 10-foot hose draws abrasive from bucket or bag
  • Sprays various types of abrasives
  • 1-year warranty

Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit Overview

This sandblasting kit will have you removing unwanted rust, paint and scale in no time. The siphon feed design sprays most abrasives including glass beads, aluminum oxide, steel grit, silicon carbide, walnut shells and more. Easily removes rust, scale, and paint from parts and small equipment leaving a satin finish that will allow for further painting preparations or applying the final coat. Be creative and etch designs or lettering on any number of surfaces including glass tile, wood working and furniture. The kit includes sandblast gun with ceramic nozzle, 10-foot hose, steel pick-up tube, and allen wrench.

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Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit

Limited Offer Today!! Campbell Hausfeld AT1226 Sandblasting Kit Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun

Special Price!!! Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun

Oct 27, 2011 12:07:08

Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun
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Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun <<

Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun Feature

  • 1,200-watt heat gun
  • General purpose gun for stripping paint, thawing pipes, loosening floor tiles
  • 2 temperature settings (750 and 1,000 degrees F) for defrosting freezers or loosening rusted bolts
  • 4,100 Btu output for removing multiple layers of paint
  • Measures 16.5 by 9.8 by 17 inches; Weighs 1.9 pounds; two-year warranty

Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun Overview

Great for removing paint, loosening floor tiles, thawing frozen pipes, and busting rusted bolts, this 1,200-watt heat gun performs numerous projects around the house or shop. The ideal, general purpose heat gun suitable for a majority of heating applications, this unit features two temperature settings for a wide variety of applications. This a lower 750-degree F setting is great for thawing pipes slowly, defrosting freezers and more. The 1,000-degree setting strips paint from furniture, loosens rusted bolts and nuts, and makes it easy to shape plastic piping for plumbing to name a few. With 4,100 Btu's those temperatures apply to larger work surfaces farther away from the unit, too. Just plug the gun into any household outlet, turn it on, and select the appropriate temperature to restore furniture, strip funky-colored kitchen cabinets, or remove paint from hard-to-sand wood trim. The gun is also great for heating up plastic film to insulate drafty windows, defrosting freezers, drying plaster, forming and bending plastic pipe, and more! --Brian D. Olson

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Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun

Limited Offer Today!! Wagner Power Products 503008 HT 1000 1,200-Watt Heat Gun Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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Husky Air Compressors

Husky compressors are the brand to go to when you need a quality compressor whether for small jobs or industrial action. They come in a variety of models for various applications. Campbell Hausfeld, who makes Husky, is known for their quality air compressors but also equipment for construction and other jobs. Not only are their products good for around the home but many are certified or designed for professionals. Here is a list of the few ways these air compressors can be used.

Air Power Tool

Ways to Use Husky Air Compressors

Air Power Tool

In the Home

Are you a do-it-yourselfer? Combined with an assortment of air tools, Husky compressors help you get the job done. Their variety of models of residential compressors are still built to last and some can even handle professional and contractor use. Their models include pancake compressors designed for basic work like inflating, finish nailing, and stapling to tanks with enough gusto to fire up sanders, drills, wrenches, nailers, ratchets, and sprayers. Many models are portable, either light enough to hand carry or equipped with wheels. Some have accessory storage built right onto the compressor. And Husky also takes space into consideration and makes many space-saving vertical models. So whether you want to fill a tire now and again or tear down some walls and start over, Husky makes the air compressor for you.

On the Job

If your compressor needs to help you make money, Husky compressors can do that too. As mentioned, some of their compressors can do double duty, working great in the home and on the job. Portable air compressors let you wheel or hand carry them from site to site, even ground to rooftop. This can even be convenient for just wheeling around a garage instead of dragging cords everywhere. They make horizontal portable and stationary air compressors as well as the space-saving vertical types in both stationary and portable options. And since you're not just inflating tires, Husky compressors can manage the jobs you need to get done as well from finish nailing and stapling to drilling to sanding. Whatever jobs you need to get done, Husky can help you do it.

Sold at Home Depot, in-store and online, Husky air compressors and parts and accessories are all within an easy distance. Choosing which Husky compressor you need may seem like a challenge. But essentially you just need to decide what you will use it for the most. If you just want a compressor to inflate tires or other things, a pancake or other small compressor should do the job.

If you will also use it to power air tools, you'll need a compressor compatible with those tools. Check how many pounds per square inch (PSI) and how many cubic feet per minute (CFM) your air tools require to work. Buying an air compressor with more PSI or a higher CFM rating than your tools require will not necessarily make them work better or faster. So do your homework and pick the compressor that's right for you.

Husky Air Compressors
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw

Oct 26, 2011 04:21:44

Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw
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Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw <<

Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw Feature

  • Heavy-duty air reciprocating saw
  • Cuts flat and curved surfaces
  • 10,000-strokes per minute
  • Positive blade retainer and adjustable blade guide
  • Vibration reduction feature

Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw Overview

The Ingersoll Rand Heavy-Duty Air Reciprocating Saw is a versatile air saw for cutting intricate shapes and light radial curves in all types of plastics, fiberglass, and composite materials, as well as aluminum and sheet metal. With an on-board vibration-reducing feature, the tool is an ideal choice for body shop repair, muffler, and exhaust work, and sunroof installations. For added versatility, it comes with six high-speed steel cutting blades and two hex wrenches. Other features include capabilities of 10,000-strokes per minute, and a positive blade retainer with adjustable blade guide. What's in the Box Air saw, six cutting blades, and two hex wrenches. Ingersoll Rand heavy-duty reciprocating saw cuts intricate shapes and tight radius curves on flat and curved surfaces. Cuts all types of aluminum, plastic, fiberglass and sheet metal. Air Consumption (CFM): 8, Strokes Per Minute (SPM): 10,000, Lock Off Throttle: Yes, Air Inlet Size (in.): 1/4, Min. Hose Size (in.): 3/8, Blade Included: Yes, Case Included: No, Tool Weight (lbs.): 1.32, Tool Length (in.): 8 1/4

Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw Specifications

The Ingersoll Rand Heavy-Duty Air Reciprocating Saw is a versatile air saw for cutting intricate shapes and light radial curves in all types of plastics, fiberglass, and composite materials, as well as aluminum and sheet metal. With an on-board vibration-reducing feature, the tool is an ideal choice for body shop repair, muffler, and exhaust work, and sunroof installations. For added versatility, it comes with six high-speed steel cutting blades and two hex wrenches. Other features include capabilities of 10,000-strokes per minute, and a positive blade retainer with adjustable blade guide.

What's in the Box
Air saw, six cutting blades, and two hex wrenches.

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Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw

Limited Offer Today!! Ingersoll Rand 429 Heavy Duty Air Reciprocating Saw Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Blu Ray Home

The Power Behind Turbo Kits

Adding a turbocharger to your car will give you one of the biggest increases in horsepower over any other engine modification. Nitrous oxide systems can rival the power performance, but not the durability and constant gains associated with a turbo system. Turbochargers can be tuned to give you any amount of boost between 0 and 24+psi of boost, depending on the size of the turbine. When you have any type of forced induction system like a turbocharger, you want to make sure that the engine is tuned to it. Below we will discuss the importance of the air fuel ratio. I will revisit this again, because premature detonation is a major cause of internal engine damage, and detonation can be caused by a very lean air fuel ratio. Turbo kits should be coupled with an ecu that is tuned to deliver more fuel than the factory settings, and the fuel delivered to the engine should be increased proportionally to the boost pressure. You also should add an air charge intercooler, which will reduce the intake charge air temperature. The air coming from the exhaust has been heated tremendously, and should be given the opportunity to cool before being re-entered into the system.

Air Power Tool

Beware of bolt on turbo kits. They in themselves are not the all in all for horsepower. You will have to match these with an intercooler and ecu to build a system that will have durability and performance. These bolt on kits are great for the experienced installers who can tune an engine correctly. The true power behind a turbo kit will be unleased with some tuning to the heads, the timing and fuel ratios, and the intake manifold. We will be discussing each of these in future post, beginning with the heads. The heads are where the power is made because they are a direct path to the combustion chamber, which is where the magic happens.

Air Power Tool

Internal combustion engines are "breathing" engines. That is to say, they draw in air and fuel for energy. This energy is realized as power when the air-fuel mixture is ignited in the combustion chamber. Afterward, the waste created by the combustion is expelled. All of this is typically accomplished in four strokes of the pistons. What a turbocharger does is to make the air-fuel mixture more combustible by fitting more air into the engine's chambers which, in turn, creates more power and torque when the piston is forced downward by the resulting explosion. It accomplishes this task by condensing, or compressing, the air molecules so that the air the engine draws in is denser. Now, how it does that is the real story here.

A turbocharger is a way to force air into the engine. Hot exhaust gas powers the turbine wheel of the supercharger to make it rotate. That turbine wheel is connected by a shaft to a compressor wheel. As the turbine wheel spins faster and faster, it causes the compressor wheel to also spin quickly. The rotation of the compressor wheel pulls in ambient air and compresses it before pumping it into the engine's chambers. As you may have guessed, the compressed air leaving the compressor wheel housing is very hot as a result of both compression and friction. That's where a charge-air cooler (or "intercooler") comes in. It reduces the temperature of the compressed air so that it is denser when it enters the chamber. The intercooler also helps to keep the temperature down in the combustion chamber. All together, the engine, turbocharger and charge-air cooler form what is known as a "charge-air system". Some systems also include a tip turbine fan which draws air across the charge-air cooler to further reduce the temperature of the compressed air generated by the turbocharger.

The basic principal behind turbocharging is fairly simple, but a turbocharger very complex. Not only must the components within the turbocharger itself be precisely coordinated, but the turbocharger and the engine itself must also be exactly matched. If they're not, engine inefficiency and even damage can be the results. That's why it's important to follow correct installation, operating and preventative maintenance procedures.

When adding a turbocharger or other forced induction system to an engine, you need to pay close attention to the air/fuel mixture ratio, as running lean can cause damaging detonation. Also pay attention to how much air the heads can efficiently flow. This is more difficult to measure or calculate, but much like the diameter of a straw can effect how much liquid it can draw, the heads will limit how much air they can flow through the system.

The Power Behind Turbo Kits
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun

Oct 24, 2011 07:06:59

Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun
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Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun

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Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun Feature

  • Comfortable lightweight design
  • Trigger controls airflow to gun tip
  • Narrow 3-Inch extended nozzle easily fits into confined spaces

Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun Overview

Pistol Grip Blow Gun, Ergonomically Designed Handle For Ease Of Use Over Extended Periods Of Time.

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Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun

Limited Offer Today!! Campbell Hausfeld MP5143 Pistol Grip Blowgun Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Wusthof Classic

The Curtis Air Compressor Brings Quality and Durability to Your Air Tools

When buying something one of the first things that we consider is the reputation of the manufacturer. Let us say that you want to get a new laptop. So you surf the Web for different brands and models. Laptop A has very good specs but the problem is that you have not really heard much about its manufacturer. Laptop B, on the other hand, has similar specs and you have heard so many good things about it from your friends and families. Obviously, you will go for laptop B than laptop A.

Air Power Tool

The same thing goes when buying a home air compressor. One of the things that you should consider is the reputation of the air compressor's manufacturer. And when reputation is on the line, Curtis Toledo, Inc. stands out.

Air Power Tool

Curtis Toledo has been designing and making quality equipment since its foundation way back in 1854. Its FS-Curtis compressor line is one of the most revered brands in the world.

The Curtis air compressor is a great addition to any workshop. If you are fond of DIY work, a Curtis compressor is indispensable. You can use their compressors to power paint sprayers, sanders, drills, nail guns, grinders, ratchets, and even impact guns.

Advantages of a Curtis Air Compressor


One of the best attributes of the Curtis units are their durability. Curtis has been in the compressor business for so long that they know everything about great compressor design. Among the top priorities of Curtis' designers and engineers is to continue to make durable air compressors. Most of their units have heavy cast iron construction for maximum durability.

Easy to Start:

Getting your Curtis compressor to work is much easier compared with other brands. Equipped with magnetic motor starter, starting one will not cause you to break a sweat.


In the old days, most compressors were built with a bulky and heavy construction. As such, transporting old generation compressors is really difficult, if not impossible. Curtis Toledo was well aware of the need for a light air compressor that is very easy to transport. That is why they have made portable Curtis machines to fill up this need.

Their portable compressors have durable and tough tires that help owners to transfer it to a different location with ease. These portable units, though, can take heavy-duty work. What is great with Curtis products is that they are very easy to maintain.

Great Support:

One of the hallmarks of a great company is that it never stops supporting its product, even if it has already left the assembly line. Curtis Toledo has a dedicated website for its air compressors. Owners can go to for basic equipment information and to view informative product videos.


Like other manufacturers that take pride in the quality of their product, Curtis Toledo ensures that every Curtis air compressor unit that rolls out of their factories is free of defect. Buyers of their compressors are entitled with a five-year limited warranty. To avail of the warranty program, you can just go to their website and register.

The Curtis Air Compressor Brings Quality and Durability to Your Air Tools
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools

Oct 21, 2011 23:45:27

MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools
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MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools

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MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools Feature

  • Makes it easier to control the speed of your tools

MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools Overview

For Flexible Shaft Grinder

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MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools

Limited Offer Today!! MOTO TOOL FOOT PEDAL for power tools Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Women To Women Vitamins My Squeezebox

Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook

Special Price!!! Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook

Oct 19, 2011 16:26:10

Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook
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Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook

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Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook Feature

  • Fully adjustable for almost any hand held power tool
  • Use to hold cordless drills, nailers, staplers, saws, and more
  • Fits any tool belt or waistbelt and clips on and off in seconds
  • Swivels out of the way against your hip when not in use
  • Durable all metal construction

Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook Overview

Ideal way to hold and carry most cordless tools, pneumatic nailers, staple guns, saws, and more. Easily attaches to any tool belt or waist belt in seconds. Designed to use by left or right handed users. Durable all metal construction. Contains 12 tool hoo

Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook Specifications

The Bigg Lugg tool holder might be a deceptively simple-looking device, but it's a breakthrough accessory on the job site. Anyone who's ever dropped a cordless drill or a nail gun off the top of a ladder or scaffolding is sure to appreciate the Bigg Lugg's effectiveness. Unlike standard holsters, the Bigg Lugg swivels on your belt, so tools continue to hang down even when you bend over or sit--they don't slip out the way they can with holsters. It also folds flat to your belt when not in use, which helps keep it from hooking or getting caught. The Bigg Lugg clips to any belt, though it fastens most securely to a 2-inch belt (on wide belts, the clasp can't pinch shut). We use ours mainly for cordless drills, but it also works well for nail guns and reciprocating saws. While the Bigg Lugg might not change your life, it will make your workday a lot easier. --Jon Groebner

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Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook

Limited Offer Today!! Bigg Lugg Power Tool Holder Belt Hook Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Protein Powder Nutrition Panasonic Sound System

Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander

Special Price!!! Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander

Oct 18, 2011 17:24:45

Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander
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Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander

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Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander Feature

  • Ultra quiet dual action sander ideal for sophisticated, fine-detail work
  • Features a built-in silencer that muffles noise as you work
  • Dual-action pad motion produces swirl-free finishes
  • Adjustable built-in regulator offers positive speed control
  • Weighs 4 pounds; 1-year limited warranty

Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander Overview

With a built in silencer that muffles noise as you work, this high quality, economical dual-action sander can be used for feather edging, metal preparation and finish work on body filler. The dual-action pad produces swirl free finishes. The sander also features vibration free performance, balanced ball bearing construction, and an adjustable built-in regulator for positive speed control

Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander Specifications

Part of the industry's most complete line of air finishing tools, the Ingersoll Rand 311A Heavy-Duty Six-Inch Dual-Action Quiet Air Sander combines all the latest advances for excellent control and brilliant surfaces. This easy-to-handle tool's every detail is designed to make your work faster and easier, so you can get more done without sacrificing comfort or quality.

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Heavy-Duty Six-Inch
Dual-Action Quiet Air Sander
At a Glance:

  • Quiet dual-action sander for fine detail work

  • Built-in silencer muffles noise as you work

  • Dual-action pad motion produces swirl-free finishes

  • Lever throttle takes pressure off your palm for all-day comfort

  • 1-year limited warranty

callout box bottom
Ingersoll Rand 311A Heavy-Duty Six-Inch Dual-Action Quiet Air Sander in use.
Balanced ball-bearing construction ensures improved handling and control. View larger.
The lever throttle takes pressure off
your palm, resulting in less fatigue.
Dual-Action Sander Creates Swirl-Free Finishes
With the 311A, you get the power and precision you need to complete sophisticated work. Compact, portable, and designed for long life, this dual-action sander creates swirl-free finishes, making it ideal for feather edging, metal preparation, and finish work on body filler.

Balanced, Quiet Operation for All-Day Comfort
Complete with a 6-inch-diameter pad, the 311A is packed with features that help make work more pleasant and efficient. First, a lever throttle takes pressure off your palm, resulting in less hand and wrist fatigue.

Additionally, a built-in silencer muffles noise as you work, while balanced ball-bearing construction ensures improved handling and control, as well as longer life. And at just four pounds, the 311A won't weigh you down, even during all-day jobs.

Low Vibration and Optimum Precision
To keep noise at a minimum, this sander provides low vibration and quiet performance. For added convenience, there's an adjustable built-in regulator that delivers positive speed control--12,000 rpm maximum free speed, 17 cfm air consumption at free speed--for optimum precision.

The 311A is backed by a one-year warranty.

Ingersoll Rand Air Tools: Reliability and Power
Whether you're working in the shop, at the garage, or on a heavy-duty jobsite, you can depend on Ingersoll Rand air tools for quality and performance. Ingersoll Rand tools are powerful, durable, and easy to use, reducing downtown and improving productivity.

For more than 100 years, the company's advanced engineering, manufacturing, and service models have set a standard of excellence. Trust Ingersoll Rand to help you complete your work faster and easier than ever before.

What's in the Box
Ingersoll Rand 311A Heavy-Duty Six-Inch Dual-Action Quiet Air Sander and manual.

Ingersoll Rand 311A Heavy-Duty Six-Inch Dual-Action Quiet Air Sander in use.
The 301 creates swirl-free finishes, making it ideal for feather edging, metal prep, and finish work on body filler.

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Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander

Limited Offer Today!! Ingersoll Rand 311A 6-Inch Heavy-Duty Air Dual-Action Quiet Sander Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Ge Profile Microwave

Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit

Special Price!!! Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit

Oct 17, 2011 16:13:26

Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit
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Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit <<

Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit Feature

  • 62-piece pneumatic tool kit ideal for do-it-yourself jobs
  • Includes a 1/2-inch impact wrench with 250 foot-pounds of torque for quick removal of stubborn bolts and nuts
  • Included 3/8-inch ratchet with 50 foot-pounds of torque removes and installs nuts, bolts, and sparkplugs quickly
  • Kit also includes 1-5/8-inch air hammer; blowgun with 6 accessories; 10 impact sockets; and much more
  • Includes a high-impact carry case

Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit Overview

Campbell Hausfeld 62 - Pc. Air Tool Kit. Comes complete with 1/2" Impact Wrench 3/8" Ratchet 1 5/8" - stroke Air Hammer, plus all sorts of bits, sockets, and accessories! Just imagine what you can do with a Kit like this at your disposal! Cars, trucks, lawn & garden equipment, machinery, inflation, clean-up... you can even tear up old kitchen or bathroom tile. Impact Wrench works great for stubborn nuts and bolts, the Ratchet lets you quickly remove and install nuts, bolts, and spark plugs. And the Air Hammer provides all the power you need for cutting, chipping, and scraping. There's a whole world out there, just waiting for you to take it apart and put it back together. Make sure you've got the proper equipment to do it, for a price that won't break the bank! You get all this: 1/2" Impact Wrench. Provides 250 ft.-lbs. of torque for stuck-on fasteners; 3/8" Ratchet. Provides 50 ft.-lbs. of torque and a compact design, perfect for digging out smaller fasteners in hard-to-reach areas; 1 5/8"-stroke Air Hammer for cutting, chipping, and scraping; Blow gun; (1) Hammer retainer spring; (10) Sockets: 12 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm, 16 mm, 17 mm, 1/2", 9/16", 5/8", 3/4", 13/16"; (1) 3" Extension; (1) 3/8" Female-1/2" Male socket adapter; (1) 3/8" Socket-screw bit adapter; (1) 1/4" Swivel adapter; (1) 1/4" NPT female coupler; (5) 1/4" I/M plugs, 1/4" NPT (male); (1) 1/4" NPT (male) hose coupler; (1) 1/4" NPT (female) hose coupler; (6) Blow gun accessories; (3) Chisel bits; (20) Screwdriver bits; (1) 1/4" NPT Tire chuck; (1) Pencil tire gauge; (1) Roll of PTFE thread sealant tape; (1) Bottle of air tool oil; (1) 4 mm allen wrench; (1) Blow-molded high impact case for the whole shootin' match. Order yours today! Campbell Hausfeld 62-Pc. Air Tool Kit

Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit Specifications

Perform around-the-house jobs like a pro with the Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Air Tool Kit. This kit provides all the tools and accessories you need for a variety of home and auto pneumatic projects, from inflation and maintenance to cleaning and renovation. The built-to-last quality and versatility of each tool means you can count on having exactly what you need--when you need it.

A comprehensive, one-stop air-tool set for completing pneumatic home and auto work with efficiency.
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TL1069 62-Piece
Air Tool Kit
  • Completing home and auto pneumatic projects
  • Inflating car, motorcycle, bike, scooter, and wheel barrow tires
  • Repairing and maintaining vehicles, engines, and equipment
  • Cleaning car interiors and workshop areas
  • Cutting and chipping stone
  • Removing tile
  • Removing lug nuts
All-in-One Kit Saves Time and Money
With the TL1069 kit, you'll get everything you need in one package, and you won't have to worry about the expense of purchasing individual components.

The TL1069 includes tools for a range of home and auto projects, so you can perform basic vehicle and equipment maintenance, clean up your car or shop, or even cut out bathroom tile--all without separate trips to the hardware store.

With the TL1069, you can also complete projects like lug nut removal, engine repair and maintenance, tire inflation and maintenance, workbench and equipment cleaning, stone cutting and chipping, and more.

And because everything is stored in a high-impact carrying case, you won't have to waste time hunting for what you need or replacing lost/damaged parts.

Powerful Tools and Accessories for a Range of Jobs
This kit includes a 1/2-inch impact wrench that provides 250 ft./lbs. of torque for quick removal of stubborn bolts and nuts, and a 3/8-inch ratchet with 50 ft./lbs. of torque for quickly removing/installing nuts, bolts, and spark plugs. There's also an air hammer with 1-5/8-inch stroke that gives you plenty of power to cut, chip, and scrap assorted materials.

The kit also comes with an assortment of bits, sockets, and accessories that will allow you to tackle renovation and repair jobs both big and small.

About Campbell Hausfeld: Making it Easier to Do it Like a Pro!
Campbell Hausfeld makes it easier for you to finish your projects like a pro. The company's history of creating quality products began in 1836, when it manufactured horse-drawn wagons and agricultural equipment. Today, the company offers a complete line of air compressors, air tools and accessories, inflators, nailers and staplers, paint sprayers, pressure washers, and more. Finish your projects faster and easier with Campbell Hausfeld.

What's in the Box
1/2-inch impact wrench; 3/8-inch air ratchet; air hammer; hammer retainer spring; 10 sockets, both metric and standard; three-inch extension bar; 3/8-inch socket adapter; 3/8- inch socket-screw bit adapter; 1/4-inch swivel adapter, 1/4-inch coupler, five 1/4-inch plugs; 1/4-inch NPT (M) hose coupler; 1/4-inch NPT (F) hose coupler; blow gun; six blow gun accessories; three chisel bits; 20 screwdriver bits; 1/4-inch NPT tire chuck; pencil tire gauge; roll of thread sealant tape; bottle of air-tool oil; Allen wrench; and blow-molded case.

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Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit

Limited Offer Today!! Campbell Hausfeld TL1069 62-Piece Pneumatic Tool Kit Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Audio Surround Sound Front Projector

Cold Weather and Your Air Tools

Most people are accustomed to changing the oil in the cars before the winter season. Don't forget your air tools as well.
When the outdoor temperature dips below 40 degrees Fahrenheit over night, it is time to change to a winter weight oil for your compression pump, engine, and your air tools. This will solve most of the cold weather problems we see.

Air Power Tool

When the outside ambient temperature is below the 40 degree point your air compressor will be hard to start. An easy fix to this problem is to just warm up the air compressor, air lines and air impact wrench before you start it. Also, remember to change to thinner oils for winter use ahead of time. This can add a lot of life your air tools,impact wrench, etc.. and make life generally easier on a cold morning. And remember your air tool's greatest enemy,water, is always present. It will probably be frozen in the air lines. Pieces of frozen water can damage your air tools and hoses.

Air Power Tool

Another reason why warming up your equipment above the freezing point is a really good idea. Always drain your air tanks of excess water at the end of the work day. Remember a happy impact wrench is a productive impact wrench.

Cold Weather and Your Air Tools
Air Power Tool

Special Price!!! Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit

Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit
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Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit

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Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit Feature

  • Durable power punch tool for punching accurate round holes through all types of materials.
  • From thin brass metal to plastic sheet through 16 gauge mild steel.
  • Package comes with seven quick-change, durable heat treated punch-and-die sets.
  • Sizes from 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4 and 9/32". Punch opens up to 1/4"; throat depth: 1-3/4"
  • Set completes with a durable plastic storage case

Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit Overview

Durable power punch tool for punching accurate round holes through all types of materials. From thin brass metal to plastic sheet through 16 gauge mild steel. Features with an adjustable edge guide, easily lets you align holes in a straight line 1/4" to 1-1/2" inches from the edge. Package comes with seven quick-change, durable heat treated punch-and-die sets. Sizes from 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4 and 9/32 inch. Punch opens to 1/4 inch; throat depth: 1-3/4 inches. Set completes with a durable plastic storage case

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Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit

Limited Offer Today!! Neiko Hand Held Power Punch, Sheet Metal Hole Punch Kit Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

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